
Formulate lp problem constraints and objective functions

Juki Mara is Dallas based company specializing in climate-controlled pet houses. According to thecompany's VP of Operations, their market segments basically compromise of high-end customers whoare either dog or cat owners and who want to pamper their pets. To reach these groups of dog and catowners, the VP of Operations is considering placing one-minute commercials on the following nationalTV shows: "Houston Dog and Cat Show" and "Texan's Best Friend".A one-minute commercial on "Houston Dog and Cat Show" costs $200,000, and a one-minutecommercial on "Texan's Best Friend" costs $50,000. The VP would like the commercials to be seen by at least 60 million high-income dog and at least 36 million high-income cat owners. Marketing studiesshow the following: Each one-minute commercial on "Houston Dog and Cat Show" is seen by six million highincomedog and two million high-income cat owners. Each one-minute commercial on "Texan's Best Friend" is seen by three million high-incomedog and three million high-income cat owners.

Formulate LP problem (constraints and objective functions) for Juki Mara that minimizes objectivefunction.

Solve the LP problem that minimizes the marketing expenditure.

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Business Management: Formulate lp problem constraints and objective functions
Reference No:- TGS01711457

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