
Formulate and justify your own aesthetic criteria it

Description and Objectives of the Assignment:

The final paper asks you to formulate and justify your own aesthetic criteria; it requires you to draw on the critical readings we use for the class, those by Aristotle, Eliot, Stein, Lorde, Benjamin, and Woolf; it requires that you discuss new artworks of your own choice.

In the course of your argument, you will be analyzing why those new artworks do or do not merit inclusion in a canon, or a body of "great work."

As a result, the final paper lets you be a writer who contributes to two traditions:

1. The tradition of aesthetic theory, and

2. The tradition of designating and defining "appropriate" works of art.


1.Donot do research for this paper! As a matter of fact, if you do research on the internet or in a regular library, that material will have a negative effect on the paper's grade.

I am not interested in what other people may have said about your examples; I am interested in what you think about the kinds of ideas our course investigates-ideas about originality, beauty, timelessness, and the political and/or pleasurable aspects of art.

This paper tests your skill at constructing your own argument, at expressing your opinions in a stringent and intellectually engaging fashion, at framing your opinions in intellectual language, and at analyzing texts, whether they are visual or literary.

1. Give the paper a good inventive title, one that makes the readerwant to read on.

1. Follow appropriate MLA guidelines for quotation, citation, and manuscript form.

Page requirement is 8-10, not including the Works Cited page.

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Other Subject: Formulate and justify your own aesthetic criteria it
Reference No:- TGS02630267

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