
Formulate an appropriate title and hypothesis for the study


You have a summary of the following study, read it carefully and answer the following questions:

Information and communication technology, specifically information systems technology, human resources, is one of the Modern methods that institutions adopt it , to rationalize administrative processes to face the rapid and increasing changes in the world of business , an information system is a program that allows the collection and storage of information related to human resources in The institution is retrieved automatically, which contributes to the optimal use of time on the one hand and allows the availability of information in On the other hand.

And because the goal of the human resource management function in any organization is the exploitation and optimal investment in the human resource, by carrying out activities and functions that are integrated among them, starting with provide the needs of institution of competencies at the right time, leading to the maintenance and development of these competencies, and to achieve these goals required that there be integration and coordination between the human resources and information technology function to reach to an effective human resource information system,

Therefore, our current research aims to reveal the reality of use Information and communication technology, especially identifying the effectiveness of using the information system in a Human resources management function by asking the following general question:

Is there a relationship between the human resource information system and its effectiveness in the human resources management function in the Sonelgaz institution? Several branches coming from this question, as a result of which the research hypotheses were formulated, which consisted of five hypotheses, which were tested Using a questionnaire consisting of 68 items divided into two axes, the axis of information quality and the focus of the effectiveness of the information system in the human resource function, Applied to a sample of 70 frames in the Sonelgaz Foundation, and it was concluded that the relationship between the human resource information system and its effectiveness

In the function of human resources is a strong relationship that indicates the effective role of the information system in various management functions for the human resources function, the most important of which is the recruitment function, the career path development process, wage management, the process of Training, performance appraisal.

These results were consistent with the theoretical background of the research and compatible with several Arab and foreign studies, and this Studies remains relative related to the research sample and application conditions.

Answer these questions based on above paragraph:

A. Formulate an appropriate title and hypothesis for the study?
B. What is the method used in the study?
C. Extract the results of the study?
D. What are the study variables and their dimensions?

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HR Management: Formulate an appropriate title and hypothesis for the study
Reference No:- TGS03246504

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