
Formulate an appropriate research question and provide

PSY 260 Intro to Learning and Cognition

This paperserves as the designated inquiry assignment for this course. The inquiry learning outcomes are as follows:

• Formulate an appropriate research question and provide context for it;
• Evaluate, and use information needed to support the research topic through a literature search;
• Formulate a methodology to examine the research question;
• Conduct research to answer the research question, making appropriate connections among ideas and drawing conclusions; and

• Formally present the results of the inquiry project.


(1) The first step in writing this paper involves retrieving, reading, and summarizing four peer-reviewed scientific articles on false memory.

(2) Summarize. For each article, answer the following questions.
• What was the general purpose of the study?
• How did the researchers define false memory?
• What was/were the researchers' hypothesis (es)ortheir research questions?
• How did the researchers collect data, and from whom? For example, did they survey college students? Design an experiment for adults? Observe children doing a task?

• What did they researchers find? In other words, what were the results of the study? Was their hypothesis supported?

(3) Evaluate.
• Describeat least one major strength and one major limitation of each study. For example, a strength might be that the study was conducted in several different cultures. A limitation might be that the researchers included only men or only women.

• Identify the independent variable(s) (the variable that is manipulated) and the dependent variable (the variable that is measured).

• What do these articles tell you about false memory?
• What would you still like to know about the topic? Imagine that you are going to design a research study on the same (or related topic) and do the following:
o Create a hypothesis or research question that was not tested in the articles you read but is related to the topic.
o Design a research method (procedure and participants): In other words, how would you collect data related to answer your research question(s)?

o What are the practical implications of your proposed study?

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