Question 1
Interpret the following output examining group differences for purchase intentions. The three groups refer to consumers from the states of Illinois, Louisiana and Texas
Dependent variable int 2
Source Type III Sum of Squares df
Corrected Model 6681.745R 2
Intercept 308897.012 1
State 6681.746 2
Error 148069.543 143
Total 459697.25 146
Corrected Total 154750.289 145
Question 2
Formulate a statisticla hypothesis appropriate for the conumer groups purpose then calculate the man average miles per gallon. Determine the most appropriate statistical test using 0.05 significnance level.
Response should be approx 50 words in length.
Question 3
The management of a regional bus line thought the company's cost of gas might be correltarted with its psasnger/miles ration.
Comment please around 50 words
Total Gas
year expendiitures passnager/miles
1 56.5 8.37
2 59.4 8.93
3 63 9.15
4 65.6 9.79
5 89 11.2