
Formulate a research specification with the following

The assignment provides a framework within which the learner can show that they have achieved the following Learning Outcome (LO):
LO 1 Understand how to formulate a research specification

This assignment will also allow the learner to demonstrate that they have achieved the following Assessment Criteria (AC):

AC 1.1 Formulate and record possible research project outline specifications
AC 1.2 Identify the factors that contribute to the process of research project selection
AC 1.3 Undertake a critical review of key references
AC 1.4 Produce a research project specification


You have begun to identify what it is that makes an effective research project and have started to use various techniques to help choose your research topic. This has now been expressed as a research question, with aims and objectives. You have also started to link your research question to various theories from one or more subject areas or units from your course, supported by a carefully structured and thorough literature review. You have applied various techniques to refine your research idea, to assess the data possibilities for your proposal, and to consider the approaches or methodologies you will use to respond to your research question.


Formulate a research specification with the following features:

a) Title/research question.

b) Introduction to the research: An explanation of the background and theories relevant to your title and why you have chosen it.

c) Aims and objectives: The broad intention(s) of the research (aims) and the more specific targets or outcomes the research is seeking to achieve.

d) Literature review: A critical review of the literature to demonstrate a thorough knowledge and understanding of work already undertaken on your research question, aims and objectives.

e) Research methods and methodologies: The approaches and techniques you intend to use to achieve your research aims and objectives; and the types and sources of data you will use to achieve your research objectives and implement your methodology.

f) References: A list of some of the key references to textbooks, journals and newspaper articles, reports, data, internet and other media sources you expect to make use of in your research project (present these using the Harvard style).

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Dissertation: Formulate a research specification with the following
Reference No:- TGS01250309

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