
Formulate a hypothesis about the data


A. Are changes taking place in the mouths of humans in more recent generations?

B. If so, can we determine whether the wisdom teeth are coming or going? Check out the number of teeth other primates have and how many molars the fossils of our ancestors have, perhaps that can help you determine this. If so, why is the selection taking place? Take a guess.

C. Formulate a hypothesis about the data. (eg. our jaws are growing, space aliens inserted third molars 2,000 years ago.

D. Test the hypothesis on the data we have (eg. the data does not show who has a larger jaw, the data does not reference space aliens)

E. Do these data support the hypothesis? yes, no, maybe.

F. Are these data sufficient?

G. Next I want you to imagine that you are a scientist and want to be able to expand the study. Describe what you would do to further understand the relationship here between biology and behavior. What are your expectations from these new data? What would you change about our current study? Improve?

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Reference No:- TGS03296720

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