
Formulate a detailed exercise program

Assignment Task: For the assignment this week, I want you to formulate a detailed exercise program for yourself, a friend or loved one. For example, I'm currently trying to gain muscle mass and lose a few pounds so for the past 6 months I've done the following: Goals-  4 weight resistence sessions/per week (2 upper, 2 lower body) of 60 minutes, 2 High Impact Interval Sessions/wk (20 to 30 min) plus core exercises (abs, obliques) 8,000 steps on average per day. Nutrition plan is limited to no more than 2,500 calories depending on level of workout that day with an increase in protein and a decrease in carbs. May include 7pm to noon fasts on non-workout days. This is just a my plan, yours may include yoga, running, surfing, your choice of sports or whatever fits your lifestyle.  Be mindful that it is something that is sustainable for you and something you can stick to.  Also, if you have someone in your life that could benefit from a plan, you may design a plan for them instead of yourself.

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Reference No:- TGS03213408

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