
Forms of contract for civil engineering works

Question 1: Explain the main options available under NEC. Describe the relative differences between the options and under what project circumstances the options might be suitable.

Question 2: Describe in detail the different forms of contract which can be used to procure large public works, and describe the merits and demerits of each from the viewpoint of both the client and the contractor.

Question 3: Describe the relative merits of Engineering and Construction Contracts with respect to more traditional forms of contract.

Question 4: Describe the advantages of different forms of contract which can be used for main road works.

Question 5: Compare the different forms of contract available for use by the civil engineer and describe which you would use under what circumstances. Describe how each of the forms relates to Egan principles.

Question 6: What are the merits and demerits of design and construct contracts by comparison with other procurement methods? Describe, giving examples from your own experience.

Question 8: You have been involved in traditional, partnering and joint venture types of contract. Describe the advantages, disadvantages and management challenges of such contracts by using examples from your own experience to show your views.

Question 9: Describe, with reference to your own experience, the merits and demerits to both Client and Contractor of DBFO contracts.

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Civil Engineering: Forms of contract for civil engineering works
Reference No:- TGS03864

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