
Forms of autocracy-characteristics of democracy

Question 1:

(a) Define the term government?

(b) What do you understand by autocracy?

(c) Name all two forms of autocracy and provide an example for each.
Question 2:

(a) What do understand by democracy?

(b) Briefly illustrate out two forms of democracy.

(c) In brief describe four characteristics of democracy.
Question 3:

(a) What do you understand by ideology?

(b) Based on how you rank the two values freedom and equality, you might find your political ideology.

2314_freedom chart.jpg

As you can see extreme scores on these values give us the four major political ideologies represented by the letters A, B, C and D in each corner.

Name all the four (4) political ideologies represented on the graph and provide a brief definition for each.

Question 4:

In relation to the rule of law in a modern state, what is the significance of:

(a) The supremacy of law?

(b) An independent judiciary?
Question 5: 

(a) What do you understand by "The Common Law"?

(b) What makes the courts superior to politicians, academics and bureaucrats as custodians of individual freedom and public interest?

Question 6:

Where does our Law be from? 
Question 7:

(a) Write down the concept of ‘Separation of powers’?

(b) Can the Checks and Balances scheme be in conflict with the Separation of Powers system?

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Other Subject: Forms of autocracy-characteristics of democracy
Reference No:- TGS07803

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