
forms and ways of participation1collective

Forms and ways of participation:

1. Collective bargaining: this is done periodically or on continuing basis between management and worker's representative on issue over which the interests or workers and management are competitive such as wage rates bonus rates working hours and number of holidays. The agreements arrived at are normally binding on the parties. In actual practice each party tries to outbid the other and get maximum advantages by using necessary threats and counter threats like strikes lockouts and other direct actions.

2. Participation through stank or workers council: staff councils or works councils are bodies on which the representation is entirely of the employees. There may be one council for the entire organization or a hierarchy of work councils from the shop floor to the board level. The members of the councils are elected by the employees of the respective sections.

3. Job management councils and committees: these bodies are mainly consultative and advisory. As these are consultative and advisory neither the management nor the workers take them seriously.

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HR Management: forms and ways of participation1collective
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