
Forecast the future value of bit-coin

Assignment Title: The title is to forecast the future value of bit-coin using SVM optimized by PSO. (But have to inform which PSO gives the best result)

Research Objectives: The following research objectives have been identified for this research:

1. To investigate previous research of support vector machine in financial forecasting

2. To collect sentiment-based dataset for crypto currencies from social media (Telegram)

3. To develop a sentiment-based support vector machine optimized by particle swarm optimization for crypto currency forecasting algorithms

4. To evaluate sentiment-based support vector machine for crypto currency forecasting

5. To compare the performance of sentiment-based support vector machine optimized by particle swarm optimization for crypto currency forecasting with benchmarked algorithms

Research Questions: The following research questions have been developed for this research:

Problem 1: What are the drawbacks or issues of support vector machine in financial forecasting?

Problem 2: What is the effect of sentiment from social media towards financial forecasting (does Sentiment influence the actual price)?

Problem 3: How does the support vector machine can be enhanced with sentiment?

Problem 4: Does the performance of Optimized PSO with sentiment improve the crypto currency forecasting compared to other ML algorithms?

Data: Bit coin data from 2015-2018.

Note: Total 1250 Words. Regarding the codes, need the confirmation on the codes and results. Really hope this will help me completing experiments resend questions for your kind perusal. Please confirm the questions and help to complete the experiments.

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Tags: Financial Forecasting Assignment Help, Financial Forecasting Homework Help, Financial Forecasting Coursework, Financial Forecasting Solved Assignments, Crypto Currency Forecasting Assignment Help, Crypto Currency Forecasting Homework Help, Crypto Currency Forecasting Coursework

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Other Subject: Forecast the future value of bit-coin
Reference No:- TGS03029384

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