
Forecast of economy industry and company- over 400000

Forecast of economy, industry, and company-

- Over 400,000 preorders for Tesla's model 3 expecting completion of late 2017.

- Preorders of $1,000 refundable deposit

- Accident happened with autopilot just prior to 2 billion acceptance of stock

- Missed production quota for quarter 2 by 15%

- Autopilot feature is a niche as well as electric in which competition is far away

- GM Bolt (no autopilot) selling comparable to model 3 and comes out a year earlier.

- GM has the capital and balance sheet to price their vehicle much lower than teslas to destroy sales on model 3 due to their higher income through other sales.

- Equation of regression line is y= -2.107298238E + 12 + 1047826000 * x

- R=.9822 x= year y= revenue close to 1 so sales are accurate

- Sales projected for 2016 are 5,117,216,000 or 5.1 billion.






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Dissertation: Forecast of economy industry and company- over 400000
Reference No:- TGS01571699

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