
Forecast how this area of technology will develop in the

Technology Futures - Prediction - Aviation Technology.

Assignment Instructions:

Succinctly but including an Executive Summary:

1. Forecast how this area of technology will develop in the next five years, supporting your work with the appropriate forecasting methods, and data gathered from online or other research.

2. Critically assess what its development will mean for business and other organizational (e.g. public agency, non-profit organization) models that use this area of technology.

3. Decide whether technology leadership or followership is appropriate for your own organization or family in this area of technology.

You will:

1. Choose a particular technology - AVIATION

2. Predict how it will develop in the next five years. Base your predictions on the research you do. Look for publications and research from experts who are making predictions about the technology area and try to synthesize their outlooks.

3. Assess what its development will mean for business, etc. as in (2) above.

4. Identify whether a leadership or followership role will be appropriate for your own organization in this area of technology.

*** NOTE:

2 - 3 pages in length and preceded by an Executive Summary of about 0.5 page containing the key results.

References of all sources used is required. APA format.

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Dissertation: Forecast how this area of technology will develop in the
Reference No:- TGS01485975

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