
For your research topic choose a controversy issue problem

Assignment 1: Research Report

Overview: Your research report represents the culmination of all that we have covered this semester.

As a result, this assignment has many components and accounts for a substantial portion of your course grade. The required components are listed below and modeled in your textbook.

You will want to carefully read the sample reports on pages 95-138.

Report must contain the parts listed below:

1. Title page

2. Letter of transmittal.

3. Table of contents

4. Table of figures

5. Informative abstract

6. 1000-2000 words of body texts (4-8 pages) utilizing appropriate and consistent system of the headings.

7. At least one graph and chart.

8. At least one table.

9. Glossary( if needed)

10. Appendices (if needed)

11. List of references.

Because this assignment requires you to include a table in the body of your report, also read pages 175-178.

Title Page: 12. Title page (Sample)

Letter of transmittal: (Sample)

For your research topic, choose a controversy, issue, problem, or innovation relation to your major(emergency management), the field you hope to work in emergency management), or the field in which you currently work. Choose something you are genuinely interested in.

You must use a minimum of three sources for your report. All three must be referenced in the text of the report. You can use books, journal articles, trade publication articles, magazine articles. One of your sources may be a website, but it must be a .gov, .org, or .edu site. In other words, no Wikipedia or other similar.com nonsense!

Assignment 2: PowerPoint Presentation

Overview: In both professional and academic settings, you may be called on to present your research to an audience of your colleagues/peers. Today, the most common method for presenting information to an audience is Power Point.

As a supplement to your research report, you will prepare a brief Power Point presentation on your findings.

You will find details about this assignment beginning on page 89 of your textbook.

Also, be sure to view the supplemental PowerPoint presentation posted in Content.

IMPORTANT: You do not need to include any animation effects in your presentation. Also, you do not need to narrate your presentation using Microsoft Producer.

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Dissertation: For your research topic choose a controversy issue problem
Reference No:- TGS02870836

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