
For your group case you will be using the target

Financial Policy Group Case Assignment

For your group case you will be using the Target Corporation case. Much like the individual student Target case homework assignment, your group is to recommend which of the following four projects should be approved or not approved:

Gopher Place, Whalen Court, Goldie's Square and Stadium Remodel.

For this assignment, we will assume that the Board of Directors decided to seek input from an outside consulting group to help them make the decision on each of these four projects.

Assume that your group is this consulting group. Based on the information contained in this case (and not from outside sources) and based on what you have learned in class lectures and discussions, you are to develop a presentation for the Board. Your presentation will advise the Board on which of the four proposals they should approve and why.

Your recommendations should be clearly supported by reasons.

Your group presentation should be about 6 to 9 minutes long. You should use the computer/projector to include a visual presentation of your material to the class. Each member of your group should give one portion of the verbal presentation.

The presentations will be given to the class on Tuesday, February 27 (the week following the first exam).

For an individual student to receive the full grade given to the group, the student needs to participate in the group's presentation.

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Operation Management: For your group case you will be using the target
Reference No:- TGS02677927

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