For your first assignment you described the recent macro and micro scale developments of the sector you are or would like to be in. Now select a prominent company (it can be either the company you work or would like to work for)running business in the sector you have already written about. Which company is it? Tell us about the company and its production process (check website of the company).
Identify the environmental influences for the company using PESTEL Analysis (pls refer to your textbook for the analysis). What is the nature of external environment according to your analysis? Place the company you have chosen on Duncan's Types of Environment Table (pls refer to your textbook for the table).
What are some strengths and weaknesses of and opportunities and threats for the company?
Formulate a corporate level strategy for the company and explain the rationale behind it.
Considering all, what structure would be ideal for the company and why?
Please read the article "How Strategy Shapes Structure". In the article Dubai is presented as a success story. But we know that Dubai is having financial problems and in debt crisis nowadays. Basing on and using the concepts explained in the article, please identify where Dubai has possibly failed.