
For your final paper you will be asked to write a



Management Developmental Case Study & Final Research Project

For your final paper you will be asked to write a Management Developmental Case Study. Below is an outline for the Case Study and the Action Plan that is required for your team case analysis.

Developmental Case Study Outline

  1. Statement of Case (Situation)(2 pages).
  • From a current or past work experience you will collectively choose one situation that requires problem solving, goal setting, and collaboration.
  • Write a brief description of the dynamics (forces at work) of this situation.
  1. Definition of the management strategy( 2 pages)
  • Choose one management concept, practice, or principle from your course readings, class lectures, or other handouts given and explain the theory.
  • You will then discuss its relationship to management strategy.
  1. Concepts and Applications (Internet Research) (3- 4 pages).
  • You will explore one organization via research (peer reviewed journal) that used the same or similar management strategy in its business.
  • You will then explain how the management strategy, when applied to your situation, would have helped in resolving the problem of your case study.
  • Remember the management strategy will demonstrate apositive ideaof resolutionto your situation.

  1. Action Plan (1-2 pages)

1. Goal

a. What is the goal?

b. The purpose of the goal?

2. Action

What will be done to achieve the goal?

  • People

Who should be responsible for seeing that the goal is achieved?

3. Getting Started

What is a desirable first step?

This step should be achievable and would indicate that progress is being made towards resolving the problem. It may not be the first action listed above.

Developmental Case Study - Format

The format for each case study is as follows:

  • APA style format
  • Cover letter

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Business Management: For your final paper you will be asked to write a
Reference No:- TGS01354953

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