
For your final paper 6-8 pages select two plays by the same

For your final paper (6-8 pages), select two plays by the same American pLaywnght, one of these plays may be from our syllabus (or both plays in the ca. of Elizabeth Wong, since we read both Kombee and Chau,r and Leiters to a Stand Revd.:Dreary) You are encouraged to use the Alexander Street Press Asian American Drama dambase m select your second play_ This assignment counts for 20% of your course grade_ Re earth the playwright's background and the production histories of the two plays to build on what you learned m lecture_' Then construct an argument about the relationship between a playwnght's personal experience of raciahmtion and how s/he represents the complex world of US race relations m his/her plays and performances of these plays. You must support your case with at least three outside sources (only one may be a purely Intemet-based source) m addition to the plays you discuss

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Chemistry: For your final paper 6-8 pages select two plays by the same
Reference No:- TGS01300669

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