
For your case study stage 1 assignment you performed a five

Before you begin this assignment, be sure you:

1. Have completed all previously assigned readings, particularly those assigned in Weeks 3 and 4 of the class.

2. Re-read the "Kelly's Salon Case Study" and the Stage 1, 2 &3 assignments, and review the "Walmart Example."

3. Review Instructor feedback from previous assignment submissions.

Overview ofIT Solution and Next Steps for Kelly's Salon

For your Case Study Stage 1 assignment, you performed a Five Forces Analysis and justified Kelly's chosengeneric strategy for competitive advantage and the business process that she would like to improve through the application of technology.

For your Stage 2 assignment, you identified the inputs, processing, and outputs of Kelly's selected business process.Those inputs, processing, and outputs form the functional (business) requirements for an IT system to improve the process.

In Stage 3, you identified theIT requirementsby evaluating their applicability and importance in a new system to be implemented to improve the identified business process for Kelly's Salon.

Following your analysis of the business environment and the business and IT requirements, Kelly Kostanzahas decided to move ahead and implement an IT solution. She has asked you to identify an IT solution and explain what the steps would be to implement it.
Since Kelly's Salon is a small business, Kelly should take advantage of a Software as a Service (SaaS) cloud-based system that has already been developed and is maintained and operated by a vendor.

You should do some research and find a vendor-provided solution that will support the process that is being improved. Refer to the process model and your Stage 2 inputs, processing, and outputs that define the business requirements; and refer to your Stage 3 IT requirements as you select an appropriate solution. The solution should be specific for the needs of Kelly's Salon. Consider the cost of the solution as you make your choice, so that your recommended solution will be affordable for Kelly.

For this assignment, you will prepare a short paper explaining your proposed IT solution and the next steps in the implementation of that solution. The next steps will includeeverything that Kelly needs to do, from getting a subscription to the software (or otherwise arranging to use it), to purchasing hardware, to preparing employees and implementing the system. The specific steps and how they are accomplished will be different for different system solutions. Use specific information from the case study and previous stages to support your recommendations and next steps, but only include details from previous stages when they provide specific value to this assignment.

Audience: This paper should be targeted to Kelly Kostanza as your audience. She has asked for you to use your expertise and provide specific recommendations for the successful implementation of the identified solution. Extraneous information and lack of specificity will not meet Kelly's needs.

Assignment:Kelly's Salon Stage 4: Write a short paper that includes:

I. Introduction:Set the context bybriefly describing the analysis previously provided and IT and business requirements already defined in previous stages. Introduce what is to come in your paper, and include the generic strategy for competitive advantage and the business process to be improved.The Introduction should be one well-constructed paragraph.

II. Proposed IT Solution: Identify the vendor and the system you selected to improve the process at Kelly's Salon.Explain why you selected that system over others, including how it best meets the business requirements (see Stage 2) and IT requirements (see Stage

3) of Kelly's Salon. Explain if/how cost was a factor in your selection.

III. Implementation Steps: Identify and explain the steps Kelly will have to take to implement the system you have proposed. Using a heading for each area, include:

a. Vendor Agreement - What does Kelly need to do in order to be able to start using the system? How much will it cost to use the system?

b. Hardware and Telecommunications - What hardware will Kelly need to install at Kelly's Salon in order to implement the solution? What kind of telecommunications will be needed for the solution, including local connectivity inside Kelly's Salon and Internet access? How will she acquire the necessary hardware components and Internet access?(Detailed information is not needed, but sufficient information that Kelly could acquire the necessary hardware and telecommunications for this project.)

c. Configuration - What options does the vendor offer for configuring the system to Kelly's Salon' needs? How will the configuration be done, and by whom?

d. User Acceptance Testing - How will Kelly test the system to see if it is working properly for her needs?

e. Employee Preparation - What will Kelly need to do to prepare her employees to use the new system?

f. Data Migration- How will the current employee work schedules be entered into the system to get started?How will the customer appointments that have already been made for future dates be entered?

g. System Use - Who will use the system and for what purposes? When users have questions about how to use the system, how will they get answers?

h. Maintenance - Who will provide updates and corrections to the system?

IV. Conclusion: Close your paper with a clear call to action providing a compelling statement for the importance of implementing this solution to achieve thecompetitive strategy and improve the scheduling process for Kelly's Salon. Highlight the specific benefits Kellycan expect to gain.

References:Incorporate at least two external resources correctly. One of your references should be the site from the vendor product you are recommending - you are using information from that site to support your recommendation.An external resource is a resource other than those provided in the class or textbook. Incorporate properly formatted APA citations in the text of your document. Then, place an APA style list of references at the end of your paper.


• Write a short, concise paper, about 3-4 pages in length.

• Your paper should be double-spaced.

• Consider your audience - you are writing to Kelly directly.

• All references must be appropriately incorporated into your writing and appear with the correct APA citations (in-text citations and reference listings).

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Management Information Sys: For your case study stage 1 assignment you performed a five
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