For what hib vaccine is used


Question 1: The causative agent of shingles is:

A. Measles

B. Mumps

C. Rubella

D. Varicella-Zoster

E. Herpes

Question 2: Inflammation of the sac that encloses the heart.

A. Endocarditis

B. Epiglottitis

C. Eshopagitis

D. Myocarditis

E. Pericarditis

Question 3: Characterized with a chancre on the oral or genital region:

A. Primary Syphilis

B. Secondary Syphilis

C. Tertiary Syphilis

D. Congenital Syphilis

E. Herpes Keratitis

Question 4: Hib Vaccine protects against:

A. H. influenzae type b

B. H. influenzae nontypeable

C. H. influenzae aegyptius

D. H. influenzae ducreyi

E. H. influenzae cougheus-muchas

Question 5: A lesion on the fingers, common in medical professionals

A. neonatal herpes

B. herpes keratitis

C. whitlow

D. herpes encephalitis

E. recurrent, (intensely) painful lesions (many little "blisters")

Question 6: Scalded skin syndrome is most often associated with:

A. Clostridium perfringens

B. Yersinia pestis

C. Mycobacterium leprae

D. Staphylococcus aureus

E. Being forgotten in the tanning booth at the salon

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Biology: For what hib vaccine is used
Reference No:- TGS0886322

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