
For this writing lets start with the issue of the

For this writing, let's start with the issue of the evaluation of students in First-Year Writing (FYW) courses. What if we were to make the claim that all FYW should be "Pass/No Entry," that is, while individual work would be graded, the overall course grade would would be based on meeting a certain overall level of proficiency (perhaps 73%). Those meeting or surpassing that criterion would receive the grade of Satisfactory (S) and be allowed to register for the next class in the sequence (or in the case of 102 would then have completed the FYW sequence); those not meeting that criterion would be required to retake the class, and no entry would be made to their transcript.

- What reasons would there be in support of the institution of this grading policy? List them, and for each reason try to give a sense of what evidence would support it.

- What objections would be raised by an opposition, those against the institution of Pass/No Entry? List them, and for each objection try to give a sense of how it can be answered.

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Other Subject: For this writing lets start with the issue of the
Reference No:- TGS01268118

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