
For this unit plan you will be creating a 5 day unit plan

For this unit plan, you will be creating a 5 day unit plan to support a class of intermediate students at the grade level of your choice. You may manipulate the timing of the unit to fit your needs (e.g. two-hour block schedule unit). This unit needs to include a specific grammar topic that you wish to facilitate the acquisition of for students. Remember, as language teachers, we teach language through content, meaning you must align your unit with standards aligned content as well as grammar. The topic of your study is up to you as well, but must align with content standards that students would be studying in other classes with the main focus being language development.

You will need to do the following:

• Align your unit to at least 1-2 performance indicators of 2 of the different ESL standards at the appropriate grade level. (See Ohio LEP standards here)
o Remember- the standards focus on communication, so the grammar topic you decide to incorporate into this unit is meant to support the area of communication of the unit.

• Align your unit to at least 1 performance indicator of 1 content standard at the appropriate grade level in the content area of your choosing. (See Ohio content standards here)

• Write an overall unit plan following template given, which will include unit objectives, standards, explanations of your unit development, etc.
o Reference page of any material cited follow APA 6th Ed.

• Write daily lesson plans following template given, which will include materials needed, daily objectives, plans for the day, etc.
o Create and submit all supporting materials for all of the lesson plans. You may use materials from other sources, such as books or a worksheet, but you must cite your source and, if necessary, alter the material to fit your unit's objectives.

• Include activities that help students develop all 4 language situations (listening, reading, writing, speaking) at some point throughout the unit.

• Include activities to support grammar growth in one of the many topics discussed in our books (such as articles, phrasal verbs, passive voice, conditionals, etc.) Remember to make the activities age appropriate and focused on communication! The grammar instruction should occur in conjunction with content learning and in various ways throughout the unit in order for students to practice the acquired skills in differentiated manners.

• Assess that content standards and LEP standards have been met as well as the grammar topic has been acquired. These assessments can occur in various ways, including projects, self-assessments, peer assessments, games. Do not limit yourself to only a pen and paper test as the only means of assessment of learning throughout the unit. Assessments should be on going throughout the unit and provide valuable feedback to the teacher and students about learning occurring.

• Write a 2-3 page justification of the unit based on the course readings and best practices in the field. You need to explain why you organized the unit the way you did, including explanations of standards chosen, grammar topic, etc., as well as demonstrate that your decisions were strongly grounded in research in our field. This grounding can come from our course texts or additional research sources, but you must provide some references to demonstrate the strength of your unit.

Unit Plan Outline

Name: Ali Yateem
Content Topic of Unit Plan:
Grammar topic addressed in this unit plan:
Language Proficiency: Intermediate

Grade Level:

I. Unit Content
a. Ohio LEP Standards & Performance Indicators
b. Ohio Content Standards
c. Unit Objectives

i. List unit objectives:
ii. Include an outline or diagram demonstrating how each of the daily objectives correspond to meet overarching unit objectives.

II. Communicative Context
a. ESL Standards
i. Include a diagram or outline as to which activities and assessments address each of the performance indicators and standards you have chosen.
b. Language Situations (Reading, writing, speaking, and listening)
i. All 4 need to be addressed in the unit.
ii. Include a diagram or outline of which activities and assessments address each of the 4 situations
c. Grammar Content
i. Include a diagram or outline of which activities and assessments address the grammar topic addressed by the unit plan
d. Cultural Context
i. Which aspects of culture or authentic materials will be used to further students understandings of their new cultural situation?

III. Content Knowledge
a. Include a diagram or outline to demonstrate which activities and assessments address the content performance indicator and standard you have chosen.

IV. Prior knowledge
a. What do students need to know and/or be able to do prior to starting this unit?
i. In terms of communicative abilities?
ii. In terms of content knowledge?

V. Assessments
a. Alignment of Assessment
i. Include an outline or a diagram that depicts how the assessments throughout the unit align with the unit objectives and the unit standards. Prove that you are adequately assessing the objectives and standards you set forth.

VI. Rationale of Unit Plan
a. Write a 2-3 page justification of the unit based on the course readings and best practices in the field. You need to explain why you organized the unit the way you did, including explanations of standards chosen, grammar topic, etc., as well as demonstrate that your decisions were strongly grounded in research in our field. This grounding can come from our course texts or additional research sources, but you must provide some references to demonstrate the strength of your unit.

VII. Unit Map
a. Create an outline or a diagram overviewing your unit plan.

VIII. Table of Contents of Unit

IX. References
a. Include all references used to create your unit plan. Make sure the material has a citation on it to match it back to the reference.
i. (If you prefer, you can also put the citation directly on each material instead of including a list here.)

X. Daily Lesson Plans & Materials

a. You need to create a daily lesson plan and all materials for the unit. See lesson plan template

Daily Lesson Plan

Day of Unit:

I. Lesson Content:
a. Ohio LEP Standards & Performance Indicators
b. Ohio content standards
c. Lesson Objectives
i. (these should be working towards your overarching unit objectives)

II. Communicative Content:
a. Language Situations Addressed:

III. Preparations:
a. Set up for lesson
b. Materials Needed (You must include all materials with appropriate references!)

IV. Procedures for lesson (warmup, activities, closure, etc.)

V. Assessment
a. How will what students learned today be assessed? (Can occur on other days. This is just to demonstrate that your unit is cohesive)

VI. Reflection/ Summary
a. 1-2 paragraphs describing how this lesson works toward your overall unit objectives, grammar topic, and assessments. How is it aligned?

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