Assignemnt: Research and Development in Information Technology
Pass TaskP: Download and install a tool
In this task, you are to ?nd, download, install, and run an existing tool for developing the solution/idea/concept you de?ned in the previous task. Note that you need not develop the solution in this task but choose a tool for it.
Submit the following ?les to Doubt?re:
Submission Details
A screen shot of your program/tool running (ensure that the name of the tool is clear), or include it running a simple (e.g., "Hello World") example - to show that you have successfully installed the tool/framework
For this task, you need to ?nd, download, install, and run an existing tool for developing the idea/solution/concept you de?ned in the previous task. You can use the platforms and tools introduced to you from IoT Frameworks/Platforms, course 2, week 2 and see a comprehensive comparison of the platforms here or watch the demo video of some of these platforms and the main features of them here, or conduct your own search. Upload a snapshot of the platform/tool when it is running.