
for this question you will use the dataset

For this question you will use the dataset "march01.dat", which includes wages (column 1), age (column 2), a dummy variable indicating females (column 3), and years of education (column 4). You will need to turn in a printed copy of your M-file and your graph from Question 3.

1. Create a dummy variable that indicates individuals who went to college: college=1 if education> 12, college=0 if education≤ 12.

2. Display the average wage of females who attended college and the average wage of females who did not attend college.

3. Create a graph showing average wages (for all individuals) as a function of age (average wage on the y-axis and age on the x-axis).


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Macroeconomics: for this question you will use the dataset
Reference No:- TGS0219690

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