
for this question you will analyse box office

For this question you will analyse box office receipt data for two movies: Harry Potter 1: Sorcerer's

Stone and Pirates of the Caribbean 1: Curse of the Black Pearl.

Go to the portal and download background data.xls

Select the worksheets HP Weekend and Pirate Weekend


For your analysis of each movie, you will only need the Date and Per Theater box office receipts; you may delete the remaining columns.

(a) Make a histogram and obtain Descriptive Statistics, including Quartile 1 and

Quartile 3, for weekend per theatre box office receipts each of the movies. Include output of your data, histograms and Descriptive Statistics in your assignment submission.

EXCEL Instructions:

Add your name and ID to the column names for weekend per theatre receipts (e.g. Pirates 1

Receipts should become 'Pirates 1 Receipts FamilyName, GivenName, ID').

Create another column called Bin with numbers from 1000 to 10000 in steps of 1000 (i.e. 1000, 2000, 3000 and so on up to 10000). Histograms may be obtained using the Data Analysis tool in Excel, but some formatting is required. Please make sure that the title of your histogram ends with your ID (e.g. Harry Potter 1 weekend per theatre receipts 599999).

Descriptive Statistics may also be obtained using the Data Analysis tool.

You will need to manually calculate the two quartiles. Please explain the method used.

(b) Describe the shape (symmetry, modality and outliers) of each distribution.

Instructions for identifying outliers:

Whether an observation is an outlier is a matter of judgement. One rule commonly used for identifying outliers is the so-called 1.5 × IQR rule. An observation is suspected to be an outlier if it is more than 1.5 × IQR below the first quartile Q1 or above the third quartile Q3.

Apply this rule to Harry Potter 1 weekend per theatre receipts and Pirates 1 weekend per theatre receipts. Identify suspected outliers (if any) by their date and amount.

(c) Nominate appropriate summary measures for the distribution of Harry Potter 1 weekend per theatre receipts, and for the distribution of Pirates 1 weekend per theatre receipts. Give reason(s) for your choice. For each distribution, give and interpret the values of the summary measures you have chosen.

(d) Write a short paragraph discussing the similarities and differences between weekend per theatre receipts for the two movies. Be sure to consider the measures of central tendency and dispersion, as well as the shape of the two distributions.

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Strategic Management: for this question you will analyse box office
Reference No:- TGS0206663

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