Question: 1) You are in charge of the IT assets for your company. How do you make the case to your management that investing the time and money into malware protection is money well spent?
For this question you need to write an outline for a presentation you are going to make to management to persuade them to invest in malware protection. The approach to the presentation needs to be factually persuasive. In other words, you need to provide an outline that will demonstrate to management through empirical evidence, business acumen, technology trends and project planning why investing in malware protection makes sense.
For each point in your presentation outline you should provide some detail and description that supports why you selected each item.
This is an outline for the presentation rather than the actual presentation. Therefore we are looking for the approach you are going to take for the final presentation and how you will support the various aspects of the presentation. For example, what sort of points are you going to make and how will you support them. The outline will require some of the technical details that will describe how you will build the final presentation.