
for this point weve only looked as solving

For this point we've only looked as solving particular differential equations. Though, many "real life" situations are governed through a system of differential equations. See the population problems which we looked at back in the modeling section of the first order differential equations section. In such problems we considered only at a population of one species, even the problem also comprised some information about predators of the species.  We supposed that any predation would be constant under these cases. Though, in most cases the level of predation would also be based upon the population of the predator. Therefore, to be more realistic we must also have a second differential equation which would provide the population of the predators. As well as note the population of the predator would be, in similar way, dependent upon the population of the prey suitably. Conversely, we would require knowing something about one population to get the other population. So to get the population of either the prey or the predator we would require solving a system of at least two differential equations.

The subsequent topic of discussion is afterward how to solve systems of differential equations. Though, before doing this we will first require doing a quick review of Linear Algebra. A lot of what we will be doing in this section will be dependent upon topics from linear algebra. Well this review is not intended to wholly teach you the subject of linear algebra, since that is a topic for a whole class. The rapid review is intended to find you familiar sufficient with some of the basic topics which you will be capable to do the work required once we find around to solving systems of differential equations.

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Mathematics: for this point weve only looked as solving
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