
For this paper you will research and report upon the

Industry Profile Part: Supply Chain Risk in the Cybersecurity Industry

For this paper, you will research and report upon the problem of Supply Chain Risk as it pertains to the cybersecurity industry. You will also investigate due diligence and other business processes / strategies which can be used to mitigate the impacts of supply chain risk for companies who produce and sell cybersecurity related products and services.


  • Global Supply Chain Risks affecting the Cybersecurity Industry. Here are some suggested resources to get you started:
  • Cyber Security Risks in Industrial Supply Chains https://www.securityweek.com/cyber-security-risks-industrial-supply-chains
  • Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain


  • Cybersecurity Risks in the Supply Chain


Independent contractors, outsourcing providers and supply chain vendors: The weakest link in cybersecurity? https://www.wiggin.com/‌files/‌30783_‌cybersecurity-‌update-winter-2015.pdf  (pp. 2-3)

  • Investigate due diligence as it applies to the purchase of components or services from vendors. Answer the question: how can due diligence processes help a company manage supply chain risks? Here are some suggested resources:
  • https://www.cips.org/Documents/Knowledge/Procurement-Topics-and-Skills/3-Risk-Mitigation/Diligent-Procurement/Due_diligence-Procurement_Topic.pdf
  • https://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2014/03/21/going-beyond-due-diligence-to-monitor-vendor-cybersecurity/
  • Cybersecurity: Five lessons learned the hard way https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?-3783-457a-8ce5-cda2ed9f3dcd
  • Research best practices and recommended strategies and approaches for managing global supply chain risk
  • 10 Supply Chain Risk Management Best Practices https://www.bankinfosecurity.com/10-supply-chain-risk-management-best-practices-a-5288/op-1
  • Cyber Supply Chain Security: A Crucial Step Toward U.S. Security, Prosperity, and Freedom in Cyberspace https://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2014/03/cyber-supply-chain-security-a-crucial-step-toward-us-security-prosperity-and-freedom-in-cyberspace
  • Managing Risk in Global ICT Supply Chains https://www.boozallen.com/content/dam/boozallen/media/file/managing-risk-in-global-ict-supply-chains-vp.pdf
  • Supply Chain Risk Management Awareness  https://www.afcea.org/committees/cyber/documents/Supplychain.pdf


  • An introduction section which provides a brief overview of the problem of supply chain risk as it pertains to the cybersecurity industry.
  • A supply chain risks section in which you identify and describe 5 or more specific sources of supply chain risk which impact cybersecurity related products and services.
  • A due diligence section in which you address the use of diligence processes (investigating suppliers before entering into contracts) as a supply chain risk management strategy. Include 5 or more cybersecurity related questions which should be asked of suppliers during the due diligence process.
  • A best practices section in which you address 5 or more best practices for managing global supply chain risks in the cybersecurity industry. You must also provide an evaluation of the expected benefits from implementing each of these practices.
  • A summary and conclusions section in which you present an overall picture of the supply chain risk problem in the cybersecurity industry and best practices for managing supply chain risks.

Your five to eight page paper is to be prepared using basic APA formatting (including title page and reference list) and submitted as an MS Word attachment to the Industry Profile Part 2: Supply Chain Risk entry in your assignments folder. See the sample paper and paper template provided in Course Resources > APA Resources for formatting examples. Consult the grading rubric for specific content and formatting requirements for this assignment.Industry Profile Part 2:Supply Chain Risk in the Cybersecurity Industry

For thispaper, you will research and report upon the problem of Supply Chain Risk as itpertains to the cybersecurity industry. You will also investigate due diligence and other businessprocesses / strategies which can be used to mitigate the impacts of supplychain risk for companies who produce and sell cybersecurity related productsand services.


1. Global Supply Chain Risks affecting theCybersecurity Industry. Here are some suggested resources to get you started:

a. Cyber Security Risks in Industrial SupplyChainshttps://www.securityweek.com/cyber-security-risks-industrial-supply-chains

b. Cybersecurity in the Supply Chain


c. CybersecurityRisks in the Supply Chain


d. Independent contractors,outsourcing providers and supply chain vendors: The weakest link incybersecurity? https://www.wiggin.com/‌files/‌30783_‌cybersecurity-‌update-winter-2015.pdf (pp. 2-3)

2. Investigate due diligence as it applies to thepurchase of components or services from vendors. Answer the question: how can due diligence processes help a companymanage supply chain risks? Here are some suggested resources:

a. https://www.cips.org/Documents/Knowledge/Procurement-Topics-and-Skills/3-Risk-Mitigation/Diligent-Procurement/Due_diligence-Procurement_Topic.pdf

b. https://blogs.wsj.com/cio/2014/03/21/going-beyond-due-diligence-to-monitor-vendor-cybersecurity/

c. Cybersecurity: Five lessons learned the hardwayhttps://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=e0e6d83f-3783-457a-8ce5-cda2ed9f3dcd

3. Research bestpractices and recommended strategies and approaches for managing global supplychain risk

a. 10 Supply Chain Risk Management BestPracticeshttps://www.bankinfosecurity.com/10-supply-chain-risk-management-best-practices-a-5288/op-1

b. Cyber Supply Chain Security: A Crucial StepToward U.S. Security, Prosperity, and Freedom in Cyberspacehttps://www.heritage.org/research/reports/2014/03/cyber-supply-chain-security-a-crucial-step-toward-us-security-prosperity-and-freedom-in-cyberspace

c. Managing Risk in Global ICT Supply Chains https://www.boozallen.com/content/dam/boozallen/media/file/managing-risk-in-global-ict-supply-chains-vp.pdf

d. Supply Chain Risk Management Awareness  https://www.afcea.org/committees/cyber/documents/Supplychain.pdf


1. An introduction section which provides a briefoverview of the problem of supply chain risk as it pertains to thecybersecurity industry.

2. A supply chain risks section in which youidentify and describe 5 or more specific sources of supply chain risk whichimpact cybersecurity related products and services.

3. A due diligence section in which youaddress the use of diligence processes (investigating suppliers before enteringinto contracts) as a supply chain risk management strategy. Include 5 or morecybersecurity related questions which should be asked of suppliers during thedue diligence process.

4. A best practices section in which youaddress 5 or more best practices for managing global supply chain risks in thecybersecurity industry. You must also provide an evaluation of the expectedbenefits from implementing each of these practices.

5. A summary and conclusions section in whichyou present an overall picture of the supply chain risk problem in thecybersecurity industry and best practices for managing supply chain risks.

Your five toeight page paper is to be prepared using basic APA formatting (including titlepage and reference list) and submitted as an MS Word attachment to the Industry Profile Part 2: Supply Chain Riskentry in your assignments folder. See the sample paper and paper templateprovided in Course Resources > APA Resources for formatting examples. Consult the grading rubric for specificcontent and formatting requirements for this assignment.

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