First assignment :
Literary Terms/House on Mango Street
For this journal entry, interpret House on Mango Street using at least three of the terms/lenses discussed in the first seven chapters (the short-story chapters) of Backpack Literature. Write a paragraph on each term, and discuss how it relates to the novel as a whole.
For example, you might spend one paragraph discussing a THEME of the novel, and showing how it's present throughout. You might spend another paragraph discussing SETTING. And so on.
Second assignment :
House on Mango Street
Reading teachers will sometimes ask students to make three sorts of connections with a text: text to self, text to text, and text to world.
In a text to self connection, readers are asked to connect some aspect of a work of literature with their own lives and experiences.
In a text to text connection, readers are asked to connect a text with another text.
In a text to world connection, readers are asked to connect a text with something going on socially, politically, or culturally in the world around them.
For the sake of this discussion board, I'd like you to make either a text-to-text connection or a text-to-world connection using House on Mango Street. What previous works that we've read for this class does House on Mango Street remind you of? And why? Or: what's happening in our/your world that this novel reminds you of?