
For this homework you need to do all the problems in scilab


For this homework you need to do all the problems in SCILAB. You will copy and paste your work into an office document and email it to me.

1. Evaluate the following SCILAB expressions yourself (Don't use SCILAB to help! This is working on the concept of precedence). You can do this all in SCILAB, but for this problem use comments '//' to prevent execution. After you have evaluated it yourself, check your answer with SCILAB. (type the answer you got by hand too, so that it shows up in your document that you submit)

a. 1 / 2 ^ 2
b. (1 / 2) ^ 2
c. 3 + 5 * 2 - 8
d. 2 ^ 2 * 2 / 2 +2
e. 2 ^ (2 * 2) / (2 +2)

2. Use SCILAB to evaluate the following expressions

a. The cube root of 5
b. The square root of the product of 4.1 and 3.3
c. 1 divided by the square root of 2
d. The sum of 2 and 3 divided by the product of 6 and 5

e. The square of the product of 3 and pi

3. Suppose n and m are defined as follows
n = [3 5 1 -2];
m = [1 2 -1 4];

Use SCILAB to evaluate the following for vector a:

a. a = n - m
b. a = 2 * n
c. a = 2 * n / 3 .* m
d. a = n .^ m

e. a = n * 2 .* m

4. Water freezes at 0o and boils at 100o on the Celsius scale. If C and F are Celsius and Fahrenheit temperatures, the formula F = 9 C / 5 + 32 converts from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Use the SCILAB command line to make two vectors, C and F, then use the vectors to convert the temperature of 20oC to Fahrenheit. Copy and paste your SCILAB work into an office document and email it to me @: [email protected] with a subject of ENGR112 HW6

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Other Subject: For this homework you need to do all the problems in scilab
Reference No:- TGS01401843

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