
For this fourth week you will delve into readings that were

Question: Module 4: Overview

For this fourth week, you will delve into readings that were prominent in the early through mid part of the 20th century. You will also hand in the Theory Reflection Assignment on Sunday before midnight. You are also invited to take part in the weekly conference call that will take place on Wednesday at 8pm. In addition, you will turn in your Draft Theory paper by Sunday at midnight. And finally, you will watch my lecture for Week 4 to be posted the following Monday morning.

Module 4: Objectives

1. To engage with original theoretical texts through careful reading.

2. To understand key figures in social theory and important social science concepts.

3. To grasp the relevance of social theory and to apply it to areas of everyday life.

4. To demonstrate an understanding of class material through writing and class discussion.

5. To prepare for the Theory Component of the Comprehensive Exam.

Module 4: Assignments

Please progress through this module as follows:

1. Read all the assigned readings under Week 4. Lemert Weekly Readings - SS6698-3.docxPreview the document. Do not read the highlighted excerpts as these are optional.

2. Participate in weekly video conference call (must attend 2 video calls during the term). This week's conference call is on Wed, September 5th at 8pm CENTRAL STANDARD TIME - Follow the Zoom link. Please allow about 5 - 10 minutes before if you have never used Zoom before.

3. By Sunday at midnight, you have the option of submitting Reflection 4 Assignment. Reflection Assignment Week 4. For sample of what I am looking for in a Reflection Assignment - please refer to my Week 4 - 2nd Announcement.

Please note: Based on my Lecture Posted in Week 4 Announcements about the Changing Requirements for the Class, you are now only required to have four Reflection Assignments total for the class this term. That does not mean that you are not allowed to turn in more than four if you wish. I will certainly grade an assignment if you turn it in. It simply means that I will only be counting the top four grades for the Reflections Assignments. However, I will not grade late assignments. So if you want feedback, your work must be turned in on time.

4. Watch professor's lecture for Week 4 that will be posted by Wednesday at midnight as per Week 4 Announcement 2.

5. Work on Theorist Paper/Presentation.

Week 4 Reflection Assignment - You will write 375- 1000 words (not including the reference page) to reflect on the assigned readings for each week. Please respect the word limits as I will need to count off in either direction. You will also submit this on Turnitin to double-check for plagiarism. You must be at 15% similarity index or lower. The paper must be submitted in a Word format - .doc or .docx.

For EACH AND ALL of the excerpts assigned for this week (including the overview Lemert excerpts), you will need to provide a short summary (minimum three sentences to maximum five sentences) in your own words for that excerpt of what you think are the author's main point/s or argument/s. These summaries should be at 3/4 of your submission. Please note that two of these summaries will need a quote from the excerpt that corresponds with it. Then choose one of the excerpts and explain what you think the strengths and weaknesses are of the theorist's argument/s in at least three sentences. Finally, discuss how this particular excerpt has implications for your own life. You will need to have a reference page where you should list all excerpts assigned for the week in APA format. In addition, please note that one point will be deducted for all writing issues. One word of caution: Do not over quote (i.e., use more than a line or two of quotes in the whole paper).

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