For this essay, you will thoroughly describe the steps and stages of a complicated process. You will want to pick a process that is complicated, with multiple steps and sub-steps. Make sure it is a task that you have performed in the past and have a thorough knowledge of everything that must be done to complete the task. Do not pick a topic that is so simple that it can be completed in a few steps. Carefully consider your audience, taking into account how much basic knowledge a person would typically have who would read your essay. Remember instructions are a vital part of communication and often people are called on to assemble, connect, or use a product or perform a task. This is especially true of your future career in any of the degrees at ECPI. On the job and in life, you will need to explain processes and procedures.
Note: You do not need to use references or sources, but if you do, you must cite them properly and be sure to quote any passages taken directly from the source. Use APA format.