The Aeneid by Virgil, through the opinions and actions of its characters, has provoked us to wonder about fate and choice: Do they (and we) live in a fated or a chosen world? This essay is your opportunity to think deeply about the claims and choices of a few characters in the Aeneid and to rewrite their story. You will analyze their views on fate or what's necessary, their subsequent choices, and the outcome. After this you will imagine an alternative choice and outcome.
For this essay, choose one of the following four moments in the Aeneid and answer the questions:
• Moments
1. The Trojans' decision to bring the Trojan horse into Troy: Aeneid 2.1J345
2. Aeneas' decision to leave Dido: Aeneid 4
3. Turnus' decision to lead the Latins into battle: Aeneid 12.1J143
4. Turnus' decision to fight Aeneas: Aeneid 12.820J927
• Questions
1. In the first body paragraph, you must indicate: Who chooses what and why, and what is the outcome?
2. In the second body paragraph, you must imagine that this character or group of characters choose differently and indicate: Who chooses what this time, and what is the new outcome?