For this discussion, you will make your initial post on Capitation methods of reimbursement. The reimbursement method you will be discussing in your initial post is Capitation. See the table below, and then post an argument on your topic that explains why your method of reimbursement is the best method for the U.S. healthcare system.
Method 2: Capitation
In your initial post:
• Examine how this reimbursement model has positively influenced the overall care system.
• Identify how this reimbursement model evolved as a solid and crucial part of the health care system.
• Determine how this reimbursement model has positively influenced cost, quality, and access of care.
Your original post should be at least 350 words with at least two scholarly sources that support your view.
Van Herck, P., Annemans, L., Sermeus, W., &Ramaekers, D. (2013). Evidence-based health care policy in reimbursement decisions: Lessons from a series of six equivocal case-studies. PLoS One, 8(10), 1-10. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078662