
For this discussion post you will report on the pros and


For this Discussion Post you will report on the pros and cons of using scare tactics. Some of you may have heard of the expression "scare someone straight."

An example, of an intervention using scare tactics is when the police show a crashed up car as a result of drinking and driving or the Truth campaign where they show people in body bags. Another famous campaign was "This is your brain on drugs". Note: Please use either Firefox or Google Chrome web browsers to view the videos .

This may not be a "black or white" issue, perhaps scare tactics work for some people and not others. Think about all the relevant variables: age, gender, user/ non-user, addict, junior high, high-school, college, older populations, socio-economic status, education, etc.

Neither your book nor the power point presentations include much information on this subject. Consequently, I want you to:

• go to the professional literature (journal articles [peer reviewed] written by people/professors who have PhD's) and cite the literature on this subject;

• Ask a Liberian for help with resources if necessary. You can access electronic journals from the Library's webpage.

Don't forget you need to include:

• at least three parenthetical citations i.e., (Smith, 2008) within the text;

• and the full references at the bottom of the page just like an academic journal OR YOU WILL LOSE POINTS.

• As you conduct your literature review on this subject try entering "fear appeals" in your search for scientific articles.

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Dissertation: For this discussion post you will report on the pros and
Reference No:- TGS02814374

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