
For this discussion forum make sure you read the

Discussion- Segment Analysis Section

For this Discussion Forum, make sure you read the Pre-Assignment Notes posted within this week before you begin your assignment. Then, please document all of the steps you used to create a specific strategic group map for the pizza industry (not the products, the industry). You need to prepare the narrative part of this assignment to demonstrate your thought process in addition to the Strategic Group Map (SGM).

In your narrative, list at least ten (10) competitors and ten (10) dimensions you considered. Then create and include a strategic group map, based upon the following industry definition:

The Pizza Industry includes manufacturers or assemblers of pizza for sale and relatively immediate consumption in full pie/trays to consumers in the United States. Companies that produce primarily frozen pizza are excluded as are grocery stores and food courts.
In your documentation, you should discuss what is "strategically relevant" about each of the two dimensions you chose for your SGM and, once you have created the SGM, the information about the industry that you might derive from it.

A note for assignments later in the term, such as your major team case assignment: you need to prepare only the final maps later, not the narrative required here in this assignment. You will not need to list all of the steps and decisions needed to develop Strategic Group Maps (SGM) as you do here.


Read the "Pre-Assignment/Before You Begin" notes posted in Week Two before you begin your work for some additional information about this assignment.

To post your work, REPLY TO MY POST BELOW. Unlike last week, you will not see the work of others until you post your own. Should you need to do so, you may attach a Word, pdf, or PPT file along with your narrative.

Please make your initial post by midweek, and respond to at least one other student's post by the end of the week. Please check the Course Schedule in the Calendar for specific due dates. Note, this assignment is worth six (6) points.

Attachment:- sgm_fall_2016_pre_assignment.rar

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Operation Management: For this discussion forum make sure you read the
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