
For this assignment you will select a current within the

Question: For this assignment, you will select a current (within the last 2 years) article or research paper to review. The article your select MUST be different from any other one you reviewed for another subject or assignment. You may select any article or research paper that is related to Threat Modeling, and specifically references STRIDE. The attached rubric will provide more information on the content requirements, but here is a short list of what I want:

1) Your review should be 1 Page, Minimum, double-spaced.

2) Please upload a Microsoft Word document to submit your review.

3) You should summarize the content of the article or paper and explain how it relates to STRIDE and Threat Modeling.

4) Provide your own assessment of the article. (Did it make sense? Did you learn anything from it? Do you agree or disagree with the content?)

5) Use the APA style for the paper and minimum of one scholarly reference, which is the article you are reviewing. No website URL. Web Page is not a reference

NOTES: - Select ONE paper or article. That ONE paper or article should be the ONLY item referenced. Do NOT turn in a paper with multiple references. This isn't a reference paper contest. I want you to simply select ONE research paper or article THAT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSES STRIDE. Then I want to see two things: read #3 AND #4 above.

- PLEASE pay attention to #5. You reference MUST be in APA format AND you MUST provide a reference indicator in your submission when you reference the paper or article. You will lose points (yes, multiple points this time) if I cannot decipher your reference.

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Dissertation: For this assignment you will select a current within the
Reference No:- TGS02908976

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