
For this assignment you will design a personal resource

Assignment: Creating a Resource Library 100pts


For this assignment, you will design a personal resource library for use with at least three populations (e.g., high school students, adults, and military veterans). The library should include names of career information resources (including job search websites), descriptions, locations of materials including online and offline options such as public libraries, potential use with specific populations. and a brief critique or evaluation of usefulness to your practice as a counselor. Your description and evaluation of each resource should include scholarly discussion around the needs of the population and how that resource would fulfill the stated needs.

Formatting for this assignment should be logical and easy to understand. For example, you may choose to group resources by category with 3 to 5 sentences describing each resource. Another option would be to create a type of annotated bibliography. It is important that your work provides enough detailed information that another counselor would be able to utilize it as a guide or resource for delivering career development intervention to a specific population. A cover page and reference page are required. A suggested outline is included below.

I. Introduction to Resource Library with brief description of contents and potential use

II. Scholarly discussion of the potential needs of 3 target populations

III. Resources (at least 3 for each population)

a. title and location of resources
b. description of resources
c. steps to access or utilize information
d. description of use with specific population
e. evaluation or critique of resource including ease of access or use as well as multicultural considerations.

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Dissertation: For this assignment you will design a personal resource
Reference No:- TGS02231776

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