
For this assignment you will create the client description

For this assignment, you will create the client description for your Case Assessment Project. Remember, this is the first portion of a major project. It needs to be narrative, APA compliant, and written in third person. Submitting a professionally written, APA compliant document is critical to your development in this course as it is the first opportunity for your instructor to provide you with feedback on your academic writing and APA format. Use a narrative format to discuss the characteristics below.

Provide the following information (using the same headings) in your client description, adding additional items of preference, if necessary:

Client name and gender.

Age (must be 12 years or younger).

Ethnicity. Clearly identify the child's ethnicity and any relevant factors associated with ethnicity. Be sure to include other languages spoken in the home and any relevant cultural factors that need to be identified. You will explore those cultural issues in a future section.

Physical observations (such as height, weight, general appearance, clothing and its appropriateness for weather/situation, and hygiene).

Medical status (such as medical conditions, overall physical health, major illnesses or hospitalizations in the past, and summary of doctor's records).

Behavioral, emotional, and cognitive observations (such as eye contact, mannerisms, outgoing versus shy, overactive versus lethargic, talkative versus reluctant, facial expressions, nonverbal characteristics, posture, speech characteristics, and affect).

Academic status and functioning (such as grade level, summary of records and testing if available, grades, behavioral issues, and learning issues). If the student has an Individualized Education Plan or 504 Plan, indicate so in this section.

Family and living situation (such as details about family members or guardians involved with the child).

Social and community involvement (such as sports and religious involvement).

Presenting problem. Complete both of the following for this case:

Choose and describe a psychological presenting issue of concern: Why is the student in your office? What brought him/her to counseling? Clearly identify the psychological issue of concern: behavioral changes chemical dependency (child or familial), grief, death of a loved one, depression, suicidal ideation, divorce, anxiety, or homelessness.

Choose and describe a disability or special need (ADD, ADHD, giftedness, food allergy, or other exceptionality) as outlined in Chapters 19 and 20 of the course text. Be sure to clearly identify how this issue is a special concern. Consider IEPs, 504 Plans, special accommodations at school, special diet, et cetera. The chosen special need must be clearly identified as a special need. When selecting a special needs issue, keep the scope of the issue manageable.

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Dissertation: For this assignment you will create the client description
Reference No:- TGS02177144

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