
For this assignment you will create a professional-looking


For this assignment, you will create a professional-looking PowerPoint presentation that would assist you in presenting your training session on your chosen aspect of professional communication. Please look over attached grading rubic so you understand how this assignment is graded please. IF all directions are not followed I will not accept the work.


• The presentation is to be created solely for this course. It will be processed through a plagiarism checker and any plagiarism will result in a failing grade of Zero.

• The presentation must have no fewer than 17 slides(not including your title or reference slides= 2-3 more slides . Which means there must be at least 17 slides of written work that does not include the title and reference slides. work will not be accepted if less than

• Appropriate and relevant images must be used, but they must be used wisely and sparingly; do not put images on every slide.

• Individual slides and the overall design of your presentation must be professional.

• Animation and in-text citations are not required.

• The presentation must be created in Microsoft PowerPoint and uploaded as a .ppt or .pptx file via the assignment link

To help put this in perspective, the scenario is that your supervisor has asked you to present a 45-60-minute training session on some aspect of professional communication.



Breaking Through Communication Barriers in Order to Be an Effective Communicator. (<<<<----- this is the title of the presentation)

A. What is an effective communicator?

1. Understanding the audience- (knowing the demographic that is trying to be reached or targeted while understanding the others who are included)

2. Diversity skills

i. "Ability to communicate effectively with both men and women of all ages, cultures, and minority groups" (Lehman & DuFrene, 2016, p.1.3)
ii. The use of diversity training groups and seminars

3. Interferences

i. Noisy, uncomfortable situations (Lehman & DuFrene, 2016)
ii. Mental and emotional interferences
iii. "Interferences can be differences in education, experience, culture, and other characteristics" (Lehman & DuFrene, 2013, p.4)

B. Overcoming gender differences

1. Communication barriers between men and women can create gaps

i. Men and women communicate for different purposes and in different styles. (Chang, 2014)
ii. Women are apt to be more open, tentative, respectful, social, while men are more apt to be assertive and dominant when it comes to communicating.

C. Overcoming cultural differences

1. Understand the belief systems

i. History and customs (Sun, 2013)
ii. Religions (ONEA, 2012)
iii. Subcultures within cultures

2. Stereotyping

i. Negative stereotyping (Sun, 2013)
ii. Positive stereotyping

3. Use of Language (Somata, 2012)

4. Body language

i. includes the use of gestures, facial expressions, and tone and volume used while speaking (Yuan, 2007)
ii. knowing the differences in different countries

D. Overcoming educational differences

1. Modify to meet the audience
2. Use language that is equally understandable by all parties

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Dissertation: For this assignment you will create a professional-looking
Reference No:- TGS01522515

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