
For this assignment you will be provided with incomplete

For this assignment you will be provided with incomplete sample starter code that you can modify and build upon. Your task will be to carry out the design, analysis, coding and testing to add several additional features to this sample code. You are expected to fully comment the provided code as well as your own code.

This project will implement a simple menu-driven text adventure. Text adventure games were very popular in the early days of computer gaming, as they could run even on low-end computer systems which could not support advanced graphics. The player controlled a character within an environment such as a fantasy castle or a spaceship. The environment was made up of a series of interconnected locations, which were described to the player by written descriptions. By entering short text commands such as "go north" or "get key" the player could explore these locations, pick up and use objects within the environment, fight enemies and so on. Generally the player had to solve a series of puzzles to enable them to achieve a goal in the game such as reaching a goal location where treasure was stored.Colossal CaveThe HobbitThe Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Developing a complete text adventure is too challenging at this stage of the course, so we will make a number of simplifications:
• To avoid having to process commands made up of one or more words, all user input will be through a numeric menu.
• Interaction with objects in the game will be very limited

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Basic Computer Science: For this assignment you will be provided with incomplete
Reference No:- TGS01243846

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