Please see the attachment for algorithm. We need to use Python for this short programming assignment.
For this assignment, you need to create a function that implements the Triangle Classification Algorithm. The algorithm has a lot of steps in it, but each step is simple. We have covered enough material to implement this.
The Triangle Classification Algorithm accepts three integer lengths and it returns a 1, 2, 3, or 4. The three lengths represent possible lengths to the sides of a triangle. Returning a 1 means that the lengths would form a scalene triangle. Returning a 2 means that the sides would form an isosceles triangle. Returning a 3 means that the sides would form an equilateral triangle. Returning a 4 means that the sides cannot form a triangle. For example, sides 1, 1, and 10 cannot form a triangle.
Below you will find a control flow graph of the algorithm. The brackets in the graph [ and ] are just there as a means of referencing each condition. Also, the || symbol is or. The top oval says, "Read i, j, k". These variables should be passed in as parameters to your function. The second oval is equivalent to
if i <= 0 or j <= 0 or k <= 0
Everything else on the chart should be easy to understand, but ask questions if needed.
Write a function for the implementation of the Triangle Classification Algorithm. Also, write a program that uses the function. This program should ask the user to enter the three lengths, and it returns the result of calling the function.