
For this assignment you are required to write approximately

For this assignment you are required to write approximately 2,000 words on one of the following articles:

Baloglu, S. & McCleary, K.W. (1999). A model of destination image formation. Annals of Tourism Research, 26(4), October, 868-897.

Gallarza, M.G., Gil Saura, I., & Garci´a, H.C.. (2002) Destination image: Towards a Conceptual Framework. Annals of Tourism Research, 29(1), January, 56-78

Ryan, C., and Gu., H. (2008). Destination branding and marketing: The role of marketing organizations. Pp 383 - 411 in (ed) Oh. H. Handbook of Hospitality Marketing Management: Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann.

Ryan, C., Gu, H. and Meng, F. (2008) Destination Planning in China in (eds) Ryan, C., and Gu, H. (2008). Tourism in China: Destinations, Cultures and Communities. New York: Routledge., pp 11-37.

Garau-Vadell, J.B., Díaz-Armas, R & Gutierrez-Taño, D. (2013). Residents' Perceptions of Tourism Impacts on Island Destinations: A Comparative Analysis. International Journal of Tourism Research. DOI: 10.1002/jtr.1951.

Ryan, C., Zhang, C., & Deng, Z. (2011). The impacts of tourism at a UNESCO heritage site for China - a need for a meta-narrative? The case of the Kaiping Diaolou. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 19(6), 747-765.

Gu, H., & Ryan, C. (2012). Tourism destination evolution: a comparative study of Shi Cha Hai Beijing Hutong businesses' and residents' attitudes. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 20(1), 23-40.

Gu, H., and Ryan, C. (2008). Place attachment, identity and community impacts of tourism - the case of a Beijing hutong. Tourism Management 29(4):637-647.

Allen, L.R., Long, P.T., Perdue, R.R., & Kieselbach, (1988). The Impact of Tourism Developments On Residents' Perceptions of Community Life, Journal of Travel Research. 27(1), 16-21.

Ryan, C., and Cooper, C., 2004. Residents' Perceptions of Tourism Development: the Case of Raglan, New Zealand. Tourism Review International. 8(1):1-17.

Ryan, C., A. Scotland and D. Montgomery, 1998, Resident attitudes to tourism development - a comparative study between the Rangitikei, New Zealand and Bakewell, United Kingdom Progress in Tourism and Hospitality Research, 4(2)115-130.

These are drawn from your reading lists. They cover some of the branding and marketing issues and also some of the tourism impacts issues that you have been reading about during this teaching recess.

In undertaking  a critique let me repeat previous advice:

Does the paper clearly state a research problem? Is the paper seeking to describe or analysis, or both?

Does a paper explain why a research method was chosen, and was it pertinent?

If samples are being used, is there an attempt to indicate why that sample was appropriate?

Is the analysis of the data pertinent? Do you feel something was being hidden? Is it transparent? Are you given sufficient information to come to a decision about the process of analysis?

Are the findings made clear?

Is there a statement as to why the findings are important?

What sort of contribution is made to research concepts, or managerial practice?

There is a good page from the University of Guelph on how to write a scholarly critique - please see


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