
For this assignment you are required to develop a menu


For this assignment, you are required to develop a Menu Driven Console Java Program todemonstrate you can use Java constructs including input/output via GUI dialogs, Java primitive andbuilt-in types, Java defined objects, arrays, selection and looping statements and various other Javacommands. Your program must produce the correct results.The code for the menu and option selection is supplied: Hotel.java and is available on the unitwebsite, you must write the underlying code to implement the program. The menu selections arelinked to appropriate methods in the given code. Please spend a bit of time looking at the given codeto familiarise yourself with it and where you have to complete the code. You will need to writecomments in the supplied code as well as your own additions.What to submit for this assignmentThe Java source code:o Booking.javao Hotel.javaIf you submit the source code with an incorrect name you will lose marks.A report including an UML class diagram of your Booking class, how long it took to create thewhole program, any problems encountered and screen shots of the output produced. (Use Alt-PrtScrnto capture just the application window and you can paste it into your Word document). You shouldtest and annotate every possibility in the program.

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Computer Engineering: For this assignment you are required to develop a menu
Reference No:- TGS02660280

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