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Jack is 6 years old and attends your out of school hours care program.

The educators have observed that every time he wants to enter into a social game with other children, he stands at the side of the group and cries.

Upon close observation, the educators notice that he rarely makes any attempts to join in or start playing. He is not being rejected by the other children and in fact he usually ends up playing with the group when one of the older, nurturing children notices him crying and invites him to join in. He then enters the group quite happily by her side and plays well.

Behaviour Replacement Plan for Jack

Inappropriate behaviour:

Function of the behaviour:

Replacement behaviour:

Role of the educator:

2) Refer to the ACECQA National Quality Standards. Record all standards that would be relevant in working with children, families and colleagues in relation to managing behaviour.

3) For this assessment you will be required to access information about TIME OUT as a behavioural management strategy, The Early Childhood Australia Code of Ethics, and the ACECQA National Quality Standards.

Research the behaviour management strategy of "time out"

· What did your research tell you about Time out? (150 words)
· What is your opinion of time out? (120 words)
· How does ‘time out' fit in with the National Quality Standards and the ECA Code of Ethics? (150 words)

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Dissertation: For this assessment you will be required to access
Reference No:- TGS01244070

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