
For the three primary causes of voluntary turnover

1.Consider a circumstance where your organization is doing exit interviews and has promised confidentiality to all who respond. Your supervisor has asked you to give the name of each respondent so she can assess the information in conjunction with the person’s supervisor. What obligation to corporate HR employees have to keep information confidential in such circumstances?

2.There are numerous negative organizational consequences to firing employees, including the discomfort of the supervisor who delivers the termination information, conflict or sabotage from the departing employee, and the potential for a lawsuit. In response, many supervisors provide problem employees unpleasant work tasks, reduced working hours, or otherwise negatively modify their jobs in hopes that the problem employees will simply quit. What are the ethical issues raised by this strategy?
3.For the three primary causes of voluntary turnover (desirability of leaving, ease of leaving, alternatives), might their relative importance depend on the type of employee or type of job?  Explain.

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HR Management: For the three primary causes of voluntary turnover
Reference No:- TGS0790526

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