
For the system below assume pg203 iv2i095 and

1. Find Ybus for figure below assuming that all the transmission links have identical Π-equivalent circuits; series element impedance is 0.01+j0.1 and each(of the two) shunt element admittances is j0.8.


2. We are given the system shown in figure below and the following equations for bus powers:


S1=j19.98 IV1I2 -jV1V2*-j10V1V3*

S2=- j10V2V1*+ j19.98 |V2|2 - j10V2V3*

S3= - j10V3V1-j10V3V2*+ j19.98 IV3|2

Do one step of gauss iteration to find V21 and V31. Start with V20=V30=1

3. For the system below, assume PG2=0.3, IV2I=0.95, and SD3=0.5+j0.2.Starting with Θ2030=0 and |V3|0=1.0, do one N-R iteration and find IV3I1, Θ21 and Θ31. Evaluate the mismatch vector after this single iteration.


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Physics: For the system below assume pg203 iv2i095 and
Reference No:- TGS01079546

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