For the semester's final paper, write a research supported essay on one of the following topics, related to nontraditional students.
You are reminded that a nontraditional student is NOT necessarily a developmental student, although some might need developmental studies.
Your paper must have at least 5 citations of recent (less than 10 years - 2008 or later) studies.
The paper should be minimum 4 pages or maximum 5 pages (more or less loses points), not counting the cover and reference pages, double spaced, times new roman - 12 point font in APA format.
Nontraditional Students Support:
Assume you are the director of student services. Your college/university has an influx of new nontraditional students' enrollment.
The president wants you to provide a detailed report of how the college will support the barriers and/or limitations students experience.
Pick 3 barriers/limitations and discuss how you intend to deal with them.