
For the qpsk communications system of example 813 identify

For the QPSK communications system of Example 8.13, identify the acceptance sets for the MAP hypothesis test when the symbols are not equally likely. Sketch the acceptance sets when σ = 0.8, E = 1, P[H0] = 1/2, and P[H1] = P[H2] = P[H3] = 1/6.

Example 8.13

In a quaternary phase shift keying (QPSK) communications system, the transmitter sends one of four equally likely symbols {s0,s1,s2,s3}. Let Hi denote the hypothesis that the transmitted signal was si. When si is transmitted, a QPSK receiver produces the vector X = [X1 X2] such that

Where N1 and N2 are iid Gaussian (0,σ) random variables that characterize the receiver noise and E is the average energy per symbol. Based on the receiver output X, the receiver must decide which symbol was transmitted. Design a hypothesis test that maximizes the probability of correctly deciding which symbol was sent.

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Basic Statistics: For the qpsk communications system of example 813 identify
Reference No:- TGS01461986

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